Real-Life Death Ray Built by Teenager

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If you happen to have a fiberglass satelite dish and 5800 mirrors you can build your own deathray just like Eric Jacqmain, a 19-year-old from Indiana.His death ray that can turn a woodden log on fire instantly, not talkig about cutting alluminum cans like butter or melting the concrete.
READ MORE - Real-Life Death Ray Built by Teenager

Microsoft Surface 2(video)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A few years back Microsoft launched into a new innovative area of PC computing when it introduced the Microsoft Surface.  It was basically a table with an ultra-cool touch screen built in.  People could then be sitting around a table interacting with this computer making the whole experience enjoyable and intuitive.  Now Microsoft has released the Microsoft Surface 2 taking the concept to a whole new level!
READ MORE - Microsoft Surface 2(video)

Kinect hack makes you the Man of Steel(video)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Every comic book fan has pretended to be Superman at one point or another, but students at the University of Amsterdam have taken the fantasy one step further with a first-person simulator that makes you feel like the Man of Steel.
READ MORE - Kinect hack makes you the Man of Steel(video)

New OLED display

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One of the main advantages of OLED is that it can be flexible—so flexible, in fact, that it can be wrapped around a pencil. Taking 2007’s .3mm prototype Sony’s made a new one just 80μm-thick.
READ MORE - New OLED display

XIM3 brings mouse & keyboard controls to the Xbox 360(video)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Playing FPS games on a console for a hardcore PC gamer like me, allways felt like it would be so much better with a keyboard and mouse. XIM3 decided to change this for Xbox 360 gamer by releasing their adaptor.
READ MORE - XIM3 brings mouse & keyboard controls to the Xbox 360(video)