Kinect hack makes you the Man of Steel(video)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Every comic book fan has pretended to be Superman at one point or another, but students at the University of Amsterdam have taken the fantasy one step further with a first-person simulator that makes you feel like the Man of Steel.

The students used a hacked Kinect sensor to map body movements to a Superman character model. Holding one arm out will launch Superman into the air, while using both will triple your speed, and the direction you point in determines the flight path.

That's pretty cool by itself, but they also hooked up the display to a pair of virtual reality glasses that place the camera inside Superman's head. The Kinect sensor tracks your head movement and rotates the camera accordingly to create an extremely immersive experience.

If flying around a virtual Metropolis still isn't enough, the students also added laser vision and ice breath, activated by touching the glasses on the right or left. Up, up and away!


Lance Powers said...

Thats pretty cool, but the graphics are meh...
Looking forward to this!

D4 said...

I wanna try this. Badly.

Anon said...

i saw a lot of kinect hacks in the past few weeks but this is the coolest :D

Come At Me Bro said...

I need a Superman shirt!

Fighthesky said...

Pretty neat! I'd love to see where tech like this will be in 5 years or so.

Zakk said...

hehe thats awesome

Beau Thompson said...

Xbox, imma let you finish, but Wii is the best console of all time!

FantouGames said...

haha nice! :_)

Anonymous said...

Damn that's pretty badass! Can't to get my xbox kinect in the mail

Bent said...

Haha, that is awesome! Too bad the graphics are so bad, though.

Feirny said...

hahaha xbox kinect FTW

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